
May 11, 2024

Prescott: Bean Peaks

 For years now, the city of Prescott has been at the forefront of trail construction, progressively adding what riders want. Their current project: Bean Peaks flow trails are about to have their Grand Opening on May 31st. Riders have been hitting the flowy berms, jumps and drops for over a month now. 

I was up in the area getting my laptop upgraded by non-other than the 2019 Tour Divide Champion: Chris Seistrup. It's always good to catch up with Chris, either on the bike or at his shop, Next Layer Technology (928)899-9195. It's worth the drive from Phoenix, since you can also go for a ride!!

I figured while the laptop was getting a makeover, I'd check out the new trails at Bean Peaks. It's across the road from White Spar CG and there were already a bunch of vehicles parked along US89. I grabbed a spot there and rode in only to find a new parking area at the bottom of the Bean Peaks trails that was half full. There were a bunch of riders milling about and I made my way over to the trailhead kiosk for a look. The trails weren't on Trailforks yet, so I went old school and took a photo of the trail map.

Good looking signage from the start.

I would find that every trail except Cool Beans was open for riding. The lightly shaded trails are slated for construction in Phase II & III.

The very top of Limey Bean, the climbing trail to the goods.
Limey Bean was a perfect climbing grade, easy pedaling in a comfortable non-granny gear. There are four trail hubs, each numbered, Hub 1 is at the kiosk near the bottom. All the other hubs are accessed via Limey Bean. Hub 2 was 3/4 mile up. Hub 3 another 1/2 mile and Hub 4 was 1 3/4 miles away.

I went all the way to the top where I found 'Trail Closed' signs on Cool Beans.

Getting ready to sample Jelly Bean.

Entrance to Cool Beans.

Here we go!!
I didn't take any photos on my first run down, just wanted to get a feel for it. The upper section has a nice drop jumb around the first bend with a good landing. There were a few uphills on this section, so expect to pedal a little bit. It did open up and have a series of huge bermed turns, let 'er rip!!

I reached Hub 3 grinning ear-to-ear. I think I'll do that again since Cool Beans is closed. 

Bermy flow on Jelly Bean.

Rock berm option farther down.

Couple of rock kickers after the rock berm, better carry a lot of speed if you want to launch here.

The 'Do Not Enter' is marking the trail exit. The jumplines are one-way downhill trails, no hiking allowed either. Hikers are allowed on Limey Bean.

Choose your path from Hub 3.

Hub signage was really good, not overkill, just what you need.

Along the Mr. Bean climb.

Back on Limey Bean.

First jump on Jelly Bean (Left), bypass on the right.

Side view of the same jump.

For machine built trails, I felt they were a nice width for the style of riding.

Twists and turns on Bean Sprout.

Sharper the turn, higher the berm!!

Contoured grade on Green Bean.

I could climb this type of trail all day.

Found some rock art too.

Nice green run down to the bottom from Hub 3.

Spicy Bean definitely had the jumps for hang time.
I'm definitely not a jumper, but I did get a bit of air time and really enjoyed the trails. I think it'll be a big hit with those who do like to fly. It seems well built with a fun layout. Look for the Grand Opening ceremony on May 31st. If you ride here and have fun, consider a donation to the Bean Peaks Phase II construction. Well done, Prescott!!


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