Ask my wife and she'll agree, 2012 was the year of the mountain bike for me.
Last year I had set a goal of riding 2000 miles & climbing over 200,000 feet. I was stoked to accomplish both. I wanted to get stronger this year, maybe
not finish last in the
AES events?? I initially set a goal of 2,500 & 250k for my 2012 goals, but the first couple of months started off really well, so I upped the ante to 3,000 & 300k.
December was winding down as I closed in on both, I was only 10 or so miles from 3000, but still needed 8k in climbing as my last big ride approached. If I completed my South Mountain Sawtooth 70 I'd get there. That day wasn't meant to be, so here's how the numbers stacked up for 2012:
129 rides
3,025.28 miles
293,936 ft.
190.386 calories burned
514:29:59 (hh:mm:ss) time riding
2012 wasn't exclusively ALL about riding. The lack of snow and abundance of rides took their toll on my skis, which failed to touch snow for an entire calendar year - first time that's happened in my 36 years of skiing. I guess that's goal number 1 for 2013, hit the slopes!!
K and I managed a few hikes, observed some really cool celestial happenings, and visited with both our families on the east coast.
Here is a collection of my favorite images from the past year, in chronological order:
The entrance to the 24 hr in the Old Pueblo race, pre-ride. This was also my last ride on my Jamis Dakar 26er. |
In the midst of a string of nighttime finishes on AES events. Here the sun sets on the Tor de 50. |
Entered my first 24 hr race as a duo with Seron. Finishing the final lap here. |
Tested out my rain gear and had my first experience with AZ Death Mud on the BCT. |
Snow in Phoenix?? No, it's graupel or soft hail. |
Chris and I did our first overnighter on the Ripsey loop, camping at Freeman Rd. AZT300 shakedown ride. |
Classic AZT shot near Oracle on Day 2 of our ride. |
Burrito Brothers strike again! BCT shuttle ride from Rte69 to EH trailhead, fully loaded with bikepacking gear. |
Making final adjustments before the start of the AZT300. photo by Seron. |
Our run-in with more AZ Death Mud ultimately led to our DNF in the AZT300. |
Enjoying the Dells during the AES PMC. |
Tried my first lunar pics from a Fountain Hills rooftop during the Supermoon of 2012. |
Came oh-so-close to completing a full network Hawes + Pass Mtn ride, when with 4 miles to go my real derailleur imploded. |
K and I took an old fashioned road trip up to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon for the first time. |
While up in northern AZ, we were able to witness the full annular eclipse, cool stuff. |
A day trip to Philly to catch the sights & re-enactment of the reading of the Declaration of Independence. |
Walnut Canyon - part of Ray & Noel's tour de Flag & Day 1 of my Flagstaff 100 weekend. |
Part of a two day tour of the Crazy88 route in Flagstaff. |
Test missile contrails as seen from our driveway. |
The good times on Mingus Mtn. |
Day 2 of the Coco250, crossing the Verde River. |
Day 3 of the Coco250, heading towards Flagstaff. |
The finish of the Coco250 back in Sedona. |
Minutes before ejecting from this ride attempt. |
Because we love to ride. |
Happy trails in 2013!!